Putting Stress On Your Back
Throughout America and the world, people are experiencing many forms of back pain. Whether it is muscular or skeletal, people have always looked for someone to turn to, to have these problems fixed. This is where the chiropractors step in. But if you know how to prevent these problems you may never have to visit one of these doctors.
One of the most common causes of back pain is the poor lifting techniques that people have developed. Imagine that you are moving houses and you have an old set of weights in a box and you go to pick it up. You are tired from walking up and down the stairs all day and want to give your legs a break. So you bend over and pick up the box straight legged and armed. You realize that it is a little heavier than you thought and you really throw your back into it and accidentally twist at the top. All of a sudden you hear a pop in your back and have extreme pain in your lower back. You just threw out your back and probably pulled a muscle, which will put you out of work for the next couple weeks. How could you have prevented this? Well, the most important thing about lifting something is to make sure that you use your legs. Rather than putting all that weight on your lower back where your muscles aren't that strong, you need to let the strongest muscles in your body carry the load. Along with lifting with your legs, you should also keep whatever you are lifting close to your body. By having it closer to your body your arms will work more rather than you back. Now that you have these two techniques there is one last thing you should never do when lifting something heavy. After you have the item lifted close to your body make sure you do not twist your core to set it down anywhere. This will put a great amount of stress on your back muscles which in return will result in a pulled muscle.
Another way people around the world develop back problems is poor posture. This develops from the continuous stress that I put on your spine and its surrounding muscles. This is probably the easiest problem to fix when it comes to back complications. If your stuck in a chair all day and don't get up that often make it a point to stand up and stretch a little bit every half hour. By you doing this you stretch your spine and muscles out. Along with sitting down, make sure that the chair you have supports your back. A lot of chairs out there have no lower back support which can cause many problems for your future. Putting a towel between the chair and the curve in your lower back can help support your back greatly. The last way can affect you both sitting down and standing up though. The most important thing you can do for your posture is don't slouch. If you are walking around and notice that you are slouching try pinching your shoulders together or sticking your chest out a little more than normal. If your sitting down try keeping your feet flat on the ground or pushing your lower back into the chair while sitting down. These simple steps can help change your posture for the better in no time at all.
Finally, there is the problem that people have of doing too much work. This is most common when people are doing yard work around the house. They want to get whatever they have done in the shortest time possible which can lead to major fatigue in the back. One way you can prevent stressing out the back is to work with a partner. If you work with someone else you split the load between the two of you putting a lot less stress on your body. Another way you can prevent back problems from fatigue is to split the work up. If you have a major job to do, don't try to do it all in one day or one weekend. Split it up. By doing a little at a time you give your body time to rest and recover and you probably will do a better job on whatever project you have due to the extra energy you have each week. The last thing you should make sure to do when you are trying not to over work our body is to use the correct tool. By using something like a wheel barrow or a two wheeler to move something rather than just carrying it will not only make the job easier, but it will also benefit your back. Remember, the amount of stress you put on your back is just as important as how you stress it.
For some people these tips didn't reach them in time. This is where the chiropractor does their magic. But what exactly do they do? The most common and most famous method they are known for is manipulation. This is where they "crack" your spine back into place. But the cracking is just the gas in between your joints having pressure put on them. Massage is another way chiropractors help their patients recuperate. Unlike the manipulation the patient has a problem with their muscles rather than their spine. By rubbing out the muscles and getting them to relax, the doctors are able to rid their patients of their pain and get them back to normal. The last step that the chiropractor will have their patient do is exercise. After they are beginning to recover the doctor will amp the treatment up with specific workouts for the back. Once they are able to complete these workouts without a struggle, the patient is back on their way.
Back pain affects people all over the place, but simple rules of prevention can help many patients. By spreading these simple rules thousands of people will be better off than they were before.