His overall health declined
Although I have never experienced chronic back pain myself, I have seen firsthand the impact it has on an individual’s overall health and happiness. As an athlete his whole life, my father was always physically fit and greatly supported my involvement in sports. Despite a heavy work schedule, he continued to play hockey in the evenings in an adult league that was mainly composed of 20 year olds, and he was the resident “old guy” at 50. At the end of my senior year of high school, he was playing hockey less frequently and began to do less physical activity due to the aches and pains of “getting old.” Eventually he had to retire from hockey due to severe back pain that he could no longer tolerate. The intensity and frequency of the pain had increased, and he was diagnosed with a slipped/herniated disc.
f The wear and tear on my father’s back is just one example of a common cause for back pain: sports and injuries. Chronic impact or repetitious movements of the spine can result in back pain. In my father’s case, years of body checks into boards and the twisting of his torso while skating and shooting contributed to severe pain that affects his ability to exercise, perform daily tasks and enjoy life. Other sports such as football, golf and gymnastics are also prone to frequent back injuries resulting in excruciating pain. The awkward movements and positions required in these sports put strain on small muscles and bones that contribute to the unique mobility of the spine.
In addition to sport movements and injuries, obesity is also a cause of back pain that is becoming more common as the population’s waistlines continue to increase with the consumerist mentality of the 21st century. The skeletal structure is being overloaded with excess weight causing unnatural and painful curvatures of the spine. This results in pain in the lower back and spine due to strained muscles and ligaments. Excess weight in certain areas can also contribute to herniated discs and nerve pain such as sciatica. As the obesity epidemic develops, back pain will continue to be a problem for many individuals and the probability that corrective surgery will succeed in reducing pain is greatly reduced do to a higher risk of complications.