Back Problems Can Be Severely Debilitating
In the developed and developing world, people are experiencing back problems due to varying reasons. In both nations, there are common reasons for developing back problems such as, incorrect, repeated lifting of heavy objects, poor health, and underestimating the importance of the back. However, in affluent nations the more common causes for developing back problems are poor health and incorrect posture. People who work jobs that require physical labor can be forced to lift heavy jobs. Some of these individuals do not safely lift heavy objects and develop slight back discomfort. This slight discomfort at a young age, leads to more serious back pain in the future. Ultimately, poor health leads to increased strain on the back, which causes people to develop back problem. Poor health, like obesity, increases the strain on the back because of excess weight and lack of exercise of the back muscles. This weakens the back significantly, which leads to the development of back problems. The increasing obese/overweight population are essentially eating their way to back problems. One must exercise to maintain a healthy body weight and strengthen back muscles. In affluent nations, where more individuals are performing office work, improper posture can be a cause of back problems. Simply, the common ways that people develop back problems are caused by the individual themselves, either being indifferent or ignorant to the topic of back problems. They are unaware that the back is significant in their daily lives and the pain will eventually turn into chronic back pain. Thus, they may ignorant the signs of back problems, which eventually will become serious.
Back problems are severely debilitating, as they can significantly limit an individual's overall mobility. Thus, one must take into consideration activities that may lead to chronic back pain. The term "chronic back pain" has one key word. That word is chronic. Chronic means that is has been long term. It is possible for one to have short term back pain, but this can eventually lead to chronic back pain. One way to ensure that I will not experience chronic back pain in future is to discuss it with my doctor and request to be referred to a specialist if I experience back pains. If I can have my back pain treated before it become serious, I will not experience chronic back pain. Also, I would educate myself on how back pain is developed. One of the best ways to prevent something is to understand it. According to the statement "history repeats itself," it means that what happened in the past will reoccur again. Thus, if one experienced chronic back pain from poor posture and lack of fitness, it is extremely likely that one following that lifestyle will experience chronic back pain. I could easily prevent chronic back pain from educating myself about it. Simply knowing the bad practices that leads to its development and preventing me from practicing those methods will prevent me from experiencing chronic back pain in the future. Finally, I will practice good posture and exercise my back. A weak back is more prone to back pain, as a weak immune system is more prone to illness. I will perform back exercises to strength the muscles and practice good posture to prevent unnecessary strain on the spine and muscle. My future career will involve me performing a desk job, thus most of my time will be spent sitting down. Therefore, I must practice good posture to prevent myself from experiencing chronic back pain because this is how I may spend a majority of my days. I also plan to dedicate time and money towards the investment of items that will support my back, such as chairs. The seats in my vehicle and desk will be taken into serious consideration before purchase because I will be spending a majority of time in them. I plan to do extensive research and check for lumbar and lower back support in the seat and chair. If possible, I am willing to pay more for better seats, as several hundred dollars beats years of chronic back pains. I understand that if I take the issue seriously and consider my behaviors, I should not experience chronic back pains.
Chiropractors may treat back pains with spinal manipulation. Spinal manipulation is where the chiropractor manually moves the joint past its normal range of motion, but not to the degree to cause injury. This helps relieve lower back pain and stress on the lower back, while increasing the range of motion of the back. Spinal manipulation also improves physical functioning. It is one of the most common methods of treatment of lower back pain, with minimal side effects, if performed correctly. Another form of treatment that a chiropractor may use on patients are corrective/therapeutic exercises. As, one of the methods to prevent back pain is to develop stronger back muscles, a chiropractor may suggest to a patient to strengthen their back muscles. This may ultimately relieve the back pain or reduce the pain significantly. The pain may be caused by weaken back muscles, thus strengthen those weak points should relieve or reduce the pain. Ultimately, a chiropractor may also use counseling to help relieve back pains. The back pains may be caused by two factors, physiological and psychological. The chiropractor may use spinal manipulation to move the spine, while counseling the patient that they must do their part to relieve the pain. The chiropractor may provide emotional support to the patient, who is suffering from the pain, that they have the ability to defeat the pain. The support could be motivation to the patient to continue the exercises and continue the treatment, as the pain will ultimately improve.